Identifying Communication Targets
Farglory Life has identified nine groups of stakeholders: Shareholders/investors; employees; policyholders; government agencies/regulatory authorities; distribution channels; suppliers/contractors; communities/schools; media; and non-profit organizations.
Collecting Sustainability Topics
Different channels are utilized to collect sustainability topics,the Sustainable Development Team compiled a list of 22 sustainability topics.
Surveying the Level of Stakeholder Concerns
Through the 2023 Fglife Stakeholder Questionnaire Survey on Sustainability Topics, levels of concern among 9 categories of stakeholders regarding 22 sustainability topics was investigated. A total of 1,002 valid questionnaires were received.
Analyzing Operational Impacts
The Sustainable Development Team distributed the Sustainability Topic Impact Assessment Questionnaire to the heads of all departments/offices to consider the positive and negative impacts of each topic on the Company. A total of 21 valid questionnaires were collected to rate the above 22 topics that stakeholders are relatively concerned about.
Assessing Impact Significance
The scoring for each material topic is the sum of its positive and negative impact scores; each topic is then ultimately ranked based on its impact scores.
Identifying Material Topics
Based on the level of stakeholder concern (external factors) and operating impact analysis (internal factors), an impact matrix was drawn up and discussed with experts to identify highly impactful issues.
Confirming Topic Priorities and Disclosure Content
The 15 material topics are integrated into Fglife's strategic blueprint and aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Impact Matrix

Impact Matrix